5 Myths about sleep: Truth or Fiction?

There are quite a few myths about sleep. We of course already know that sleep is immensely important for body. But there are some myths about sleep that simple are not true. In this weeks Scientific Sunday we adres these myths and tell you more about sleep!


During sleep, the brain is inactive


The brain actually remains active and alert when the body is at rest. The brain is also able to continually control body functions even when you are sound asleep. For example, this is why you still breathe even in the deepest stages of sleep. Some parts of the brain are even more active when the body is at rest, processing thoughts, emotions and memories from throughout the day.


You have had a good night rest if you can recall your dreams


This is more related to which stage in your sleep cycle you were when you wake up. You are more likely to remember a dream if you wake up during or just following the REM sleep cycle. This is because the memory of the dream has not yet faded, making it easier for you to remember all of the details. You are able to dream during all stages of sleep, however, the dreams are more likely to be vivid if they happen during the REM cycle.


Waking a sleepwalker is dangerous


Some people beleive that waking a sleepwalker increases the risk for them to experience a hearth attack. All tough they might get scared when you wake them, there is no danger in waking them up. It is actually quite smart to wake them up, they can seriously hurt themselves during the sleepwalking.


The quality of sleep you get is unrelated to health issues


This dangerous myth could not be any more false. Numerous studies have demonstrated the undeniable link between both the quantity and quality of your sleep and your overall health. The health effects of poor sleep include physical problems such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Mental health issues linked to subpar sleeping patterns include depression and anxiety. The research makes it clear that you are more likely to enjoy good physical and mental health if you are diligent about getting quality rest each night.


Staying in Bed When You Wake Up Will Help You Fall Back Asleep


Actually, it is a smart move to move to another room for a few minutes. Do some reading or listen to a bit of music. Staying in bed for more than twenty minutes is hinders you from falling back to sleep. The goal is to tire your body so it is easier for you to fall back asleep!


Source: www.chronobiology.com

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