How melatonin supports the immune system

The immune system is more relevant today than ever. This system ensures that we do not get sick from various viruses and bacteria. A weakened immune system therefore makes us more susceptible to disease. Melatonin is a nighttime hormone that naturally occurs in our body, it makes us sleepy at the end of the day. Melatonin is also very important for a proper functioning immune system.


Natural healing capacity


A common misconception is that melatonin is only related to sleep. However, this is not true, melatonin plays a prominent role in a healthy immune system and the body’s natural regenerative capacity. Melatonin is a natural antioxidant that ensures that damage to cells can be reduced or repaired. How does the immune system actually work?

The immune system consists of two parts, the innate immune system and the acquired immune system. These two systems protect the body against disease in different ways. The “innate” immune system (also called resistance) protects the body against various viruses and bacteria. The “self thought” immune system fights one specific pathogen at a time. New studies suggest that melatonin plays a complex role in immune system health. Melatonin increases the immune response in some cases, while attenuating its effects on others. This may be especially beneficial in infections from viruses such as COVID-19, where the immune system can overreact and cause organ failure.


Boost the immune system


Most people have a perfectly healthy and functioning immune system that allows the body to ward off most viruses and bacteria. However, this is not the case for everyone, which creates a group that can benefit extra from a healthy boost of the immune system. A healthy immune system starts with obvious, simple actions. That’s because the immune system consists of different parts. The skin, lungs, white blood cells and spleen, among others, are parts of the immune system.

Below are some tips for strengthening the immune system in a simple and effective way.

  • Eat a healthy and varied diet
  • Get enough sleep
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Try to include as much natural light as possible, preferably outdoors


Propeaq can help improve and maintain the immune system through the app-controlled light glasses. These glasses ensure that you improve your sleep-wake rhythm in just 30 minutes a day. A healthy, regular sleep-wake rhythm with adequate sleep is essential for a healthy immune system.



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