We used to get up at the crack of dawn, proverbially, and in the evening we went ‘on the roost’. With the arrival of artificial light a few hundred years ago, the rhythm of the alternation of day and night has slowly but surely been released. In our modern society we are used to living in the rhythm of our work, our social activities, the TV and the smartphone. The result is that in many cases we now sleep too little and often at the wrong time. Today’s children sleep on average one and a half hours less than the children of 100 years ago. This has serious long-term consequences for public health.
Human metabolism is highly dependent on the alternation of day and night, also known as the circadian rhythm. Daylight, especially the blue part of the daylight spectrum, stimulates the cortisol awakening response. This is the mechanism that ensures that carbohydrates are burned and that you get energy. In the late evening and at night, the body is virtually unable to break down sugars and carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that the nighttime hormone melatonin helps ensure that all energy at that moment is used for recovery of the body. Due to the very low insulin production at night, these sugars and carbohydrates are not burned but converted into fat. This ensures that people who eat and sleep irregularly, for example as a result of shift work, are significantly more likely to be overweight and develop type II diabetes.

Research shows that a tight and regular sleep/wake rhythm can make an important contribution to a healthier life. By getting up and going to sleep at the same time every day, even on weekends, the metabolism is positively influenced. The Propeaq light glasses can help to regulate this sleep/wake rhythm. By taking extra blue light in the morning in combination with orange glasses in the evening, the stabilization of the new, healthy rhythm is strongly supported. So adjust your lifestyle with the Propeaq light glasses and prevent weight gain through a healthy and regular rhythm.